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Does nature need a 'warning label'?

By Cindy Steinle
Wed, April 20 2011 at 08:25

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Are you kidding me?
#1 Mike on 2011-04-20 18:50 (Reply)
Not at all Mike.. Thats the sad part
#2 Cindy Steinle on 2011-04-20 19:24 (Reply)
You have got to be kidding me they are blaming the snake for defending itself ? all they had to do was go around the snake and leave it be .. but the father decided to play god and kill it ???? and they were on a reserve isnt killing animals on a reserve illegal ?
#3 Anonymous on 2011-04-21 00:38 (Reply)
This is so ridiculous, for one thing... shes 15! PAY ATTENTION... Second, you are outside, sorry that it happened, but come on, find someone else to mess with. You could get bit in your back yard. Absolutely ridiculous :-(
#4 Ann on 2011-04-21 07:48 (Reply)
RIDICULOUS!!! They should have left it alone. I blame the father in this one!!
#5 Bobby Jenkins on 2011-04-21 08:34 (Reply)
Its not in the biology of an atrox to "fly in the direction" of anything. He not only did something illegal and stupid by messing with an atrox, but he flung the snake at his daughter. the sad part is that many ppl wont see that the fault was on the individual and not on the snake.
#6 Gil on 2011-04-21 13:08 (Reply)
Look if your swimming there alligator if your climbing a tree there's gravity and walking there SNAKES spider sqoirpen ect so what I'm saying is if u don't want to tack the risk don't do it so what are u going to do kill and sue them to plz coment
#7 Dale on 2011-04-22 12:13 (Reply)
In regards to the father who chose to throw the snade, not exactly the brightest person, is he? You don't mess with nature and not expect any problems, stupid.
#8 Rebounding Master (Homepage) on 2011-04-28 12:39 (Reply)

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