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Wisconsin town sneaks through exotics ban after keeper is bitten

By Cindy Steinle
Wed, April 20 2011 at 14:45

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Well this should just speak volumes about our whole democratic process, or lack thereof I should say.
#1 EricWI on 2011-04-20 15:08 (Reply)
This is RETARDED! Yeah I said retarded because that is exactly what all those fools are in that city! No more than 2 small snakes and 10 geckos? Are you kidding me? I hope the folks there fight this and get this rejected. RETARDED bureaucrats!
#2 Andy Rea on 2011-04-20 15:13 (Reply)
This is how the government tries top stick their nose in everyone business besides helping our country. they will pass as many laws as they can to get more money from us so they pass these stupid childish laws to do so and its extremely sad. they try to take our freedom of speech from us and taking our right to chose what we can keep for a pet
#3 Christina Bea on 2011-04-20 23:37 (Reply)
This is completely ridiculous. Just because one owner of a venomous snake gets bitten by his own reptile from his own stupidity, it messes it up for anyone who has a constrictor? Just because he's a keeper who is careless? I agree, this is retarded.
#4 EB on 2011-04-21 09:26 (Reply)
Are they prepared to pay for the legally kept animals they have in their area? Not a problem if so.. but I would think they would have to compensate the owners of legally kept animals. What are they to do with them let them go?
#5 attra91 on 2011-04-22 08:58 (Reply)

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