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Animal Planet's 'Fatal Attractions' fueling hate for exotics?

By reaperreptiles09
Tue, April 26 2011 at 12:10

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I agree with the above.My wife asked me recently why I hardly watch AP any more and my response was do you see what kinda trash they show now a days.Its very sad my nephew used to love coming over and helping with my snakes but is now scared from watching some of the shows on AP.
#1 Louie on 2011-04-27 12:15 (Reply)
I love Animal Planet. I also love the show Fatal Attractions. I don't think that it's AP intent to make people hate exotics. But to educate people on the dangers that goes along having them for pets.
#1.1 Winter on 2011-06-12 15:26 (Reply)
I have seen this new trend, too. AP is all about cats and dogs any more. I wish they would bring back that love of animals that I used to love. I watch NatGeo wild these days. They seem to have seen this trend, and have taken advatage of it, and swooped in on what was once AP's territory. They have a few specials? shows dedicated to reptiles. I used to be against 'python hunters' but I watched it and I have to tell you, its not what AP would've done with that show (which would've been "pythons are just bad!"). I think we should all be more public with our concerns, and message the hell out of them. Not that it would do anything, but nothing will happen if we do nothing, right?
#2 Aria on 2011-05-10 02:53 (Reply)
Couldnt agree more AP is an absolute joke any more. NatGeo Wild is a much better animal network. as an exotic snake owner, i also am pissed off by the way exotic owners are portrayed on the Fatal Attaction show. it creates the idea in the common publics head that we are all irresponisble, under-trained weirdos that live on the fringes of society. for most of us this couldnt be further from the truth, but as always the few ruin it for the many. the biggest negative of AP airing fatal attractions is the potential that it will modivate further laws restricting the ownership of exotics
#3 Rob F on 2011-05-27 22:33 (Reply)
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#4 logiciel turf (Homepage) on 2011-06-05 16:51 (Reply)
#5 owerfreergy (Homepage) on 2011-06-22 15:34 (Reply)

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