I have watched a few episodes of Animal Planet' s show 'Fatal Attractions' and I couldn't believe that, the channel I use to love, would create such a show. Not only do they depict gruesome deaths of humans killed by their animals but they negatively depict these animals in all of there segments. AP, it seems, is pulling new viewers into such shows with human and animal violence alike. What AP doesn't realize, or maybe they do, that shows like this negatively impact viewers (especially children) into believing that exotic animals are killer and they should hate and fear animals. When I was a child AP made me love animals of all kinds, my younger siblings now think that all exotic animals are disgusting from watching AP all the time. It is one thing to watch a cheetah take down a gazelle and feed its young, but to exploit people's deaths in such a fashion is disgusting and wrong. I watched one episode with a man who was bitten by one of his monitors and died from infection, he was then eaten by his starving animals until the police arrived days later. This episode alone has forced me to stop watching AP all together. The negative connotation towards reptiles outraged me like no other. AP should be ashamed of themselves, such shows fuel the communites hate and fear towards reptiles and exotics alike. Overall all of AP new shows deeply affend me and should affend any snake, reptile or exotic owner alike.
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