Scientist Mario Yanez holds a specimen of the new dwarf boa species.(AFP: Rodrigo Buendia)
A new species of dwarf boa has been discovered in the Amazon in Ecuador. This brings the number of known Tropidophis to 6 located in South America!
Two specimens were found in the Colonso Chalupas national reserve and in the private Sumak Kawsay park, the discoverers reported.
The snakes are "a relic of time", Ecuadorian researcher Mario Yanez — of the National Biodiversity Institute (INABIO) — said.
"They are animals so old, that finding or bumping into one of them is a privilege."
The boa,
Tropidophis cacuangoae, was named after early-20th-century Indigenous rights activist Dolores Cacuango. To read move, click
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