Eustacia Kanter
Alligators are resilient man. I mean really resilient, they are true survivors. This little gator has been spotted for the last month or so in Florida and was recently captured. The injury, likely from a boat propeller appears to be several months old.
"At first, my brain couldn't comprehend that its entire upper jaw was missing," Kanter told FOX 35. "When I realized, I felt terrible for him and snapped as good a photo as I could get with my cell phone standing at a distance so that I could share it and try to find help."
Kanter contacted the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and an environmental conservation nonprofit in hopes they would help find and rescue the gator.
The alligator appears to be four to five years old and will be kept on a special diet while away from other animals for a while. Gatorland believes it lived in the wild without half its jaw for at least six months, likely eating snails and frogs.
For video with the awesome Savannah from Gatorland, and the rest of the story from Fox, visit
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