Some people have all the luck, really they do! It took me 3 trips to Texas to see my first rattlesnake. When Milan Watt came out of work and met her boyfriend at her car and they went to get in, he saw a tongue and that's when they saw it. That was also when they got out of the car and said NOPE!
Watt’s boyfriend came to meet up with her when he noticed something moving in her car.
“He turns around and he sees a tongue,” Watt said.
After they both got out of the car, Watt called 911.
“They told me they could not help because it was not a life-threatening emergency,” Watt told Arizona’s Family.
There are however many 24 hour services available that will come out to help and it is disappointing that the emergency services did not mention these. An encounter with a diamondback by someone unfamiliar is definitely a life-threatening emergency, especially when it is a diamondback trapped in a car! For us herpers however, that is just easy pickings! To see the video and full story, click
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