Photo of female reticulated Gila from our photo gallery by user Kevin_Hunt and not animal in question
The autopsy report for the man who died after being bitten by his pet Gila Monster has been released and it lists three factors that resulted in his death. The report lists complications from envenomation of the Gila Monster, basically listed as an injury, but also listed an enlarged heart and a fatty liver as "significant contributing factors" in his death.
Around 11:45 p.m. Feb. 12, someone called 911 to report an animal bite, according to Lakewood Police. It was later determined to be a Gila monster bite.
The victim was taken to the hospital and died four days later. According to the autopsy report, the man suffered a "four-minute venomous Gila monster bite to the right hand."
He sought treatment about 2 hours after the bite. For more on the story, click
here. The last known death from a Gila bite was in 1930 and the person may have had liver damage due to cirrhosis.
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