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Southwestern Center for Herpetological Research click here for Rodent Pro

'Snapperfest' celebrates animal abuse

By Cindy Steinle
Wed, August 31 2011 at 17:03

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Thats pretty blatant abuse if you ask me. I don't think swinging any creature around by it neck is acceptable, just because one hasn't been killed.... Yet.
I would have liked to attend the event with my bat and played bash the turtle chokers, its not abuse.
#1 Justin on 2011-09-03 13:09 (Reply)
It's obvious you are brainwashed by the ecology movement. As much as I love reptiles (and I do) people are more important. I hope you realize that and wake up before you actually hurt someone.
#1.1 Chris Jones (Homepage) on 2011-09-08 19:59 (Reply)
Chris Jones, as much as you may believe Justin is "brainwashed" by the "ecology movement", the fact that you casually state the importance of humans as absolute fact is disturbing to me. I also hope you realize that not every threat made on the internet will be carried out. I would also like to inform you that you have almost certainly lost any of my future business based on your comments. Now back to the main topic at hand. It is perplexing to me how very few people truly dislike chelonians, yet they among the most persecuted animals on this planet. Whether it be Snapperfest, turtle races, or TCM, it seems that turtles rarely catch a break. Although I applaud herpers and (to a lesser degree) animal rights activists for their concern of this activity, to me this seems a minute threat to turtles compared to those facing chelonia in Asia, and even our own "backyards".
#1.1.1 Erik on 2011-09-09 22:09 (Reply)

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