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Kardasians get a pet snake

By Cindy Steinle
Wed, October 19 2011 at 18:30

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I agree those empty headed kardishans
getting a pet snake they don't have a clue on taking care of a reptile of that caliber they have no reason to have it they don't have the brains to have this animal
#1 Mike Placenti (Homepage) on 2011-10-21 16:53 (Reply)
I thought NYC doesnt allow "Giant" reptiles
#2 Parker on 2011-10-21 23:52 (Reply)
Oh my goodness great just wait till the media runs all this and the show hits the air. I feel for all the snakes that are doomed to empty headed owners wanting to be like the idiots they idolize on tv. I am lost as to how they have clibed to stardom they have no talent other than being anoying.
#3 GG_herps on 2011-10-24 01:33 (Reply)
Wow people, You all sound like bigger drama queens than a teenage girl! "oh she got a snake, I hate her!" So the girl wanted to buy a snake, she wasn't asking for you or anybody else to care but for some reason you all seem to care a great deal.

This article was childish and petty. "Just what the reptile community needs: empty headed owners using their snakes as a lifestyle accessory."

Who said she was using it as a lifestyle accessory??? maybe she just wanted a snake like the way ALL of us felt at one time, which was what got us into the hobby to begin with. Grow up kids.
#4 Travis on 2011-10-25 08:33 (Reply)
Normally, I'd actually go along with the above posting in principle--who's to say that she didn't just decide to get a snake like anyone else might--except that anytime a celebrity gets an unusual pet and makes a big deal out of it (even if this snake--and from this picture, it looks like something in the Pituophis line, does anyone know what it really is?--is really pretty mundane) it always seems to go badly for the animal. So I'm skeptical, especially because you'd think someone who cared about their pet and made a living as a reality TV star would want to say: "Yes, this a --- snake, he's not really dangerous, they make awesome pets, this is how I got into the hobby..." But maybe, just maybe, we'll be pleasantly surprised. Here's hoping.
#5 JS Argyle on 2011-10-25 21:00 (Reply)

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