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Bullfrog debate comes back to California

By Cindy Steinle
Sat, December 10 2011 at 10:13

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We don't need to import bullfrogs to California. We have more bullfrogs in our state than we do people.

The issue is the racists in DFG want to ban the sale of bullfrogs for food in Chinese markets, but they cannot find a way to do that without hurting the pet trade. If they really wanted to ban the import of bullfrogs without effecting the trade, they could do so simply by allowing the commercial take of bullfrogs from California waters.

In this scenario everybody wins, the pond turtles win, the sellers win, Californians win with jobs created in the commercial take of bullfrogs, the economy wins because Californians money stays in California.

They'll never do it because this is not the goal.
#1 scott solar (Homepage) on 2011-12-12 15:32 (Reply)
The proposed ban on importation of bullfrogs is only dangerous to the pet industry in that it sets a dangerous precedent. Bullfrogs are not good pets, and that is evidenced by their impopularity in pet stores and shows. Albino bullfrogs interest some but those are captive bred (especially here in CA). Chytrid needs to be addressed and we the Herp people need to lend efforts in support of the mangement of the disease.

The bullfrog is not only politically held up by the food & pet trade; it is protected under CA law because of the heritage in association with the Calveras Cnty Frog Jumping Contest. DFG couldn't touch the frog if they had the political will..................leaving us with a protected invasive fungal vector the American Bullfrog.
#2 Andy on 2011-12-16 21:08 (Reply)

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