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A challenge to every reptile keeper

By Cindy Steinle
Tue, December 27 2011 at 08:43

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Cindy, would be willing to put up a page (section) with a list of people that are willing to provide free educational shows? I would be willing to go on the list for the Houston area.

#1 Miller on 2011-12-27 11:04 (Reply)
Let me see what we can do about setting up an educational listing. One requirement for people would be that it would need to be FREE work. No paid gigs listed.
#1.1 Cindy Steinle on 2011-12-27 15:23 (Reply)
While I agree that it's a great idea to do outreach, I'd like to point out that the Fox News poll in question is from Oct. So, other than the herpers circulating it around Facebook, I imagine that there's not very many folks paying any attention to it at this point. If you're going to spend time doing out reach, spend it doing something that might actually make some sort of a difference. An email to your congressmen only takes a minute and is a lot more effective than a 3 month old Fox News Poll.
#2 Ethan (Homepage) on 2011-12-27 12:39 (Reply)

Miller--that's a dang good idea, and I'd be happy to go on it for the Amarillo area. I've done some stuff, but nothing like 30 hours a month (and I'm not going to do 30 hours/month--but I'd like to be able to do one-two 30-60 minute talks a month).
#3 Varanid on 2011-12-27 14:40 (Reply)
This is such a great challenge to put out there for us in the reptile community! Such, such, such a great idea.

I always take a snake with me (when it's warm out of course). I've practically given little shows in the parking lots of Walmart, lol!

But really this is a great challenge that can really help spread a better word for our furless friends.

When I first started walking around town with my snakes, I often got that "Oh god get it away!" responce... but slowly that responce has grown into interest, and it's finally starting to blossom into understanding.

I've taken my snakes out to a home for troubled children a few times now, and they at first were very afraid but now they always ask for me to come back and I gladly do it all the time for free! Because I love educating people about reptiles.

I'm hoping to be able to do a few shows at my local library here in the summer and up at the schools, all for free of course.

Getting people to understand snakes and reptiles in general better is payment enough for me!
#4 Chelsea B. on 2011-12-27 18:55 (Reply)
When you do stuff like this, post it here on our blog. We want to hear the stories AND see pics!
#4.1 Cindy Steinle on 2011-12-27 20:51 (Reply)

Fantastic post and a great challenge to every herper out there who truly cares about the animals they keep and not the dollars they can earn off them. Bad apples kill our hobby and interests and for some, their business. Only we can change that. I've done the occasional show at schools and parties and they are very rewarding. When you are talking to people about snakes in a non-selling environment, it's just a conversation about best practices in husbandry, natural history and an explanation of why you like herps - it's not about how much money you can make by selling this morp or that.
#4.1.1 Rob Haneisen on 2011-12-28 22:56 (Reply)
I have been doing free shows at local summer camps for years in Guelph ON Canada. I find I get to educate the adults more than I do to the kids by the end of the day. Its a great way to teach that creepy crawlies aren't that creepy.
#5 Lance on 2011-12-31 14:34 (Reply)
Great idea Cindy. We often take walks around town with our dog (one of those fericious looking pit bulls) as well as a snake and or our bird. I announce local motocross events around Ga and when Tammy can come along and it is warm we will take our beardie or our red tail. We went to the Atlanta Pet Expo and even though they listed reptiles, we had the only snake and she was a huge hit. Tammy and I are always up for getting our pets outside.
#6 Joey Casey on 2012-01-01 16:42 (Reply)
Wonderful Cin! I've been doing native herp programs for years for free or really can see the difference you're making as you do more and more of them ...I'm currently working on getting venues (like volunteer fire stations) where I can host true 'public' presentations on a regular basis. EDUCATION of the public is essential to the existence of our hobby and reptile conservation as a whole
#7 KrisB on 2012-10-02 12:28 (Reply)
30 hours a month...Cindy, you never fail to impress and amaze me!
#8 Sheryl (Homepage) on 2012-10-02 19:04 (Reply)

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