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DOI's Salazar announces 4 snake species to be banned

By Jeff Barringer
Tue, January 17 2012 at 08:41

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This will do nothing to stop the problem in the Everglades.

Also, if these snakes could sustain a feral population anywhere but in south Florida, don't you think we would see these populations? We don't. That means that either the science was bunk, or that the only irresponsible pet owners live in Florida....
#1 Robert Hughes on 2012-01-17 16:33 (Reply)
Completly agreed, i belive that serious snake owners and breeders such as myself see these new laws as completly unfair and rediculous. the beauty and friendship these snakes give us shouldnt be taken away but should be restricted. the problems in florida should stay in florida.
#1.1 Jason Glaser on 2012-01-17 16:44 (Reply)
The move is reactionary and stupid. It'd be one thing to phase out commercial breeding and ban sales and transport to Florida but to do it nation wide is a disaster. What options do pet owners have when they move to a new state? Unless they can find homes the animals have to be killed. A lot of people will release animals into the wild making the problem worse not better. They should have consulted people in the trade about phasing out commercial breeding and sale as well as how to sanely create a ban in Florida. They were more interested in a photo op than rational legislation.
#2 Belseth on 2012-01-17 17:14 (Reply)
Just think of this in this way remember those people when it's time to vote our government has failed its people but get use to it money talks and the lobbyist took this and ran
#3 James on 2012-01-17 17:27 (Reply)
So people in New Jersey have to pay for this just cause someone had a heart to release his reptiles rather then letting them drown in his home??
I would of release my snakes in front of Ken Salazars door if I knew I was going to have to abandon my snake..hope they reconsider this law..proud owner of 3 lovely boas..and many more to come..
#4 Tyrone on 2012-01-17 20:55 (Reply)
This is insane. Junks science, pressure from animal rights groups, and non thinking public officals. Our government has failed. So much for the pursuit of happiness. One day I am a pet owner and the next I could be a felon.
#5 Dan Lease on 2012-01-17 23:32 (Reply)
Between the so called us fish and wildlife people who think there cops but couldn't cut in law enforcement help get this through stop giving them and ushs money and don't vote for these people it's time we get rid of ther old farts and get in younger people who understand our views
#6 James on 2012-01-17 23:50 (Reply)
Is somebody plead the other side when they decide to pass these laws?
#7 Jim on 2012-01-18 13:54 (Reply)
The everglades is losing out to overdevelopment, airport expansion, excessive water drainage for farming, and theme parks. The burmese python situation can be solved by getting more experienced handlers in there to capture them. The more snakes added to the list will result in more animals being released into the everglades, as an alternative to killing them all.
#8 john lopez (Homepage) on 2012-01-23 09:32 (Reply)

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