Proposed and actual bans on keeping various types of reptiles are spreading across the country, from the federal to local level. What can we do? Turn off our computers.
I see a million and one petitions circulating with people complaining that not enough people have signed them. But nobody cares about online petitions. It costs you nothing to sign them, and lawmakers and the media know it.
Ditto a bunch of us getting together to rant and rave about animal rights groups, politicians, and the media changes not one mind. It doesn't stop one law. It doesn't get a single article in a newspaper that presents our point of view.
Instead, get out in the public eye and talk with people who don't understand the appeal of keeping reptiles, and those who don't know about us, our hobby, or our animals. Go to your local pet stores, vet clinics, and dog parks. Network. Educate. Reach out to other pet owners, who you'll find are more sympathetic than you might imagine, once you talk to them as one pet-lover to another.
Carry pre-written letters with you if your state is under fire. Print out 20 copies of letters to our representatives. People are more likely to sign a letter and give it to you if you're willing to mail it for them! Remember, this was a major impact tactic that worked fighting HR669. Keep them on hand and mail them in. Remember, you should have the signer print their name and address on the form so that it shows residency.
Don't waste your breath trying to make people believe in the vast AR conspiracy. You aren't going to get anywhere with that approach, and run the risk of having them think you're a conspiracy theorist and just tune you out.
Instead, focus on educational outreach about herpetology and herp-keeping. I can’t stress this enough. People will not give a damn about these laws if they aren't given a reason to. Let your passion for our hobby and your love of your pets be that reason.
Remind the people you talk to that every classroom in America has lizards, frogs, and turtles in it. Talk to them about the wonders of the natural world, and of herpetological study.
Even if they don't personally want to start keeping reptiles, that may be all it takes for the tide of public opinion to start turning our way, even just a little.
Hell, if we all got our lazy butts off the computers, we could still have a chance at the python ban. Just know, if protest are done, be PEACEFUL and EDUCATIONAL. You and everyone else may be surprised how many people keep reptiles in this country today. We need to SPEAK and be HEARD. Make some noise. Let's TELL THE WORLD that "Damnit! I love and keep reptiles and I will FIGHT to keep my beloved pets!"
They aren't violent monkeys or man-eating tigers (with the exception of gators and crocs) and they are safer to keep than dogs.
We need to educate people, catch the media's attention, and shed some light on our fascinating hobby. Be heard! Surprise everyone with how much people in this country keep reptiles. I know there's a lot of us out there. Let's show the world that reptiles are the safe and fascinating pets that they are and that we should be allowed to keep them!
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