The Chula Vista, California City Council will discuss an overhaul of the city’s current animal laws tomorrow at its Tuesday, February 28th meeting. Among the amendments presented in this wide-ranging, proposed ordinance is a ban on certain “wild animals” and other provisions that impact reptile owners and businesses.
This proposal bans the sale, possession for sale, importation or breeding of a wild animal, and declares that “no person may possess or maintain the following:”
- venomous reptiles;
- birds attaining an adult weight of over 15 pounds;
- rodents attaining an adult weight of over 10 pounds;
- any crocodilian (Order Crocodilia);
- all boa and python species (Family Boidae) attaining an adult weight of over 15 pounds or an adult overall length of over 3 ½ feet;
- all monitor lizard species.
For a complete list of the animals impacted by the ordinance refer to the full text of the proposal located
here. The proposal states that this ordinance will take effect, and be in full force, on the 13th day after its adoption. The proposal is set to be discussed at the February 28, 2012 City Council meeting (Council Chambers, City Hall – 276 Fourth Avenue, 4:00 p.m.). All pet owners, pet business operators and anyone else affected by this proposal should attend the meeting and contact the council.
Thanks again to
PIJAC for bringing this to our attention.
#2) birds over 15#? Turkeys illegal? Ben Franklin is rolling in his grave.
#3) large rodents already illegal statewide
#4) crocodilians already banned statewide
#5) 3.5' for a boa or python? Tell the big female rosy boas on the hillsides of Chula Vista that they are illegal.
#6) ALL monitor lizards? Have they ever seen an ackie?
#7) Jeff Barringer please use a different image. Hey! At least I ain't John Doe.
#8) Thanks to PIJAC for bringing this too light!
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