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Southwestern Center for Herpetological Research click here for Rodent Pro

Want to help fight for YOUR reptiles Locally? Get Organized NOW!!

Tue, March 6 2012 at 13:43

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As the leader of the Twelfth Legion I have great respect for all reptiles both real and mythical THIS IS THE YEAR OF THE DRAGON WE MUST DO WHAT WE CAN TO PROTECT OUR MINI-DRAGONS!
#1 onyxdragon on 2012-03-06 17:35 (Reply)
I just found out literally a fewminutes ago theyre banning "exotics" in WV! Im going to do anything and everything I can to fight it! I understand tigers, bears,etc... but snakes!!! Come on now! Theyre not dangerous (maybe a few untamed ones) but mine are the loves of my life! My plans were to open my own reptile shop as soon as im done with college and help my community appreciate and understand reptiles, how can I fulfill that with a ban??!!! Ugh
#2 Stephanie on 2012-03-19 00:28 (Reply)
We owe the snakes a great debt of gratitude, as they are our most ancient educators. In the Garden of Eden of our beginnings, primates learned snakebite means live or die. Before our homemade Energy-climate Era, and after the dinosaurs, the Cenozoic Era could have been called "Age of Snakes" as easily as mammals. Before the night skies became to brightly lit-up, pagan ancestors named a constellation Ophiuchus ("snake bringer") holding Serpens Caput and Serpens Cadaut in a starry clutch. One of our earliest forms of entertainment was gathering to hear stories about, and see,, share the interest as much as you can, we don't want the younkers to hate us for not appreciating the wonder that is the snake!
#3 Wayne Fowlie on 2012-04-12 19:03 (Reply)

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