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HSUS offers reward for capture of python mutilator in one state, while their policies lead to python abuse in others

By Jeff Barringer
Sun, April 8 2012 at 11:14

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this is exactly the type of things we will be seeing from many owners that believe the new law makes it illegal to keep their pet, although it is only illegal to cross states with the pet. So in ignorance and in over regulation, many healthy and vibrant pythons will suffer.
#1 Manny Frade (Homepage) on 2012-04-08 13:38 (Reply)
While I think it's important to make a distinction between a clearly abused and mistreated captive snake and a feral animal killed as vermin--if killing pythons when they're encountered in the course of work is part of the Forest Rangers' job, then surely they could be outfitted with firearms to dispatch any such snakes humanely and relatively quickly: you don't have to be a military sniper to use a shotgun.

Leaving the pythons alone is out of the question: they are not a beneficial addition to the fauna of the Everglades. But if we have to kill them, let's keep it professional. If a ranger has to kill a python in the field, it can be shot; small enough specimens could be bagged and taken to be disposed of humanely at a designated facility.

This unprofessional piece of butchery is a disgrace to wildlife officers and professional nuisance wildlife removers everywhere. The men in the picture certainly aren't projecting any sense of having done something they had to do, but aren't happy about. I wonder how many EDB's these clowns have battered to death and DIDN'T report.
#2 JS Argyle on 2012-04-09 21:51 (Reply)
I dont think the inhumane society has any hidden agendas do you. I think HSUSs and petas goal is to completely keep anyone from keeping animals in captivity. If you want more proof check out and find the truth.
#3 JS on 2012-04-12 09:42 (Reply)
We,ve reached the time when large, successful beasts must be managed for their welfare as well as ours. While givin a 'snake talk' to a 1rst grade class, a child recently from Hawaii said she had only seen a very large white snake, before (Honolulu Zoo python, I suspect). Later, I checked the local petshop which had albino Burmese for over $300 ~ salesman said the price had gone sky-high since the gov't 'outlawed' them!
#4 Wayne Fowlie on 2012-04-12 17:49 (Reply)
I just wanted to say that if I was sitting in my yard and saw a snake like that, I would prob do the same. I dont believe in animal cruelty but if a rottweiler came up to me i'd do the same. How do you know it wasn't self defense?
#5 NM on 2012-04-21 22:35 (Reply)
What an incredibly ignorant and stupid thing to say.

So basically what your saying is that any animal that might wander into your presence is fair game for a brutal beating.

Do you even know how stupid your comments are?
#5.1 You must be joking... on 2012-05-08 15:10 (Reply)
No, I'm not joking... chihuahua, 7-foot snake... two different things. If a chihuahua comes into my yard, im going to pet it. I love turtles, dogs..etc. but I hate snakes. Yes if my kids are playing in the yard and a 7 ft snake comes around, his heads gonna be chopped off. Whats more important to you, your kids or a snake? Do you know anything about a hungry 7-ft snake, what it could do to a child?! So, no i'm not stupid, nor do i think my comments are either.
#5.1.1 NM on 2012-05-09 19:53 (Reply)

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