It started with this:
And upon my 6th time reading it, absolutely infuriated more and more each time, I decided to let a few things out in an email to the seemingly biased writer of this article"
"Large constrictor snakes should be left undisturbed in their natural habitats, not kept in cramped tanks or turned loose by irresponsible reptile enthusiasts to fend for themselves in residential Texas neighborhoods"
...and as for the responsible reptile keepers? Most of the ones released were captive bred and are now ultimately wild bred for obvious reasons. The responsible reptile keepers/handlers should be separated from the ignorant but instead it seems that you lump all of us into one pile. Don't demonify reptile keepers as a whole, just the ignorant ones that have ruined it for the rest of us. In the 1980 case, it was stupidity and improper husbandry on the parent's part which led to the child dying. I live with my three rescued large constrictors, multiple geckos I'm breeding to donate to captive breeding programs to expand the gene pools, a rescue monitor, a rescue iguana and my rescue cats. I have not had one problem or difficulty with an escapee reptile because I am responsible. The HSUS should be promoting responsibility of reptile ownership and trying to work together with the reptile community for a solution in Florida."
My point is, quit being an IRRESPONSIBLE animal advocate and lumping everyone that owns a reptile as IRRESPONSIBLE. My other point is, my other animals haven't and won't get eaten because I take the few extra seconds to make sure there is no way of escaping. Even for the smaller animals that I know the cats would love to make a new toy out of. I educate children in schools about reptiles/conservation because most adults will not listen. If a child grows up with a postive experience and memory of an encounter, they'll have a more positive outlook on whatever the encounter was with. When I was 4 years old, I went to classes at the museum in Ft. Worth, TX. I had a tarantula on my head and a python in my hands and I remember thinking how cool it was and I haven't forgotten that day 22 years later.
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