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Southwestern Center for Herpetological Research click here for Healthy Herp

In a Texas grade school, children taught to abuse animals

By Cindy Steinle
Thu, May 31 2012 at 14:06

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Disgusting, though not altogether surprising...who wrote the source material for this program? A rooster trained to peck certain keys on a computer?
#1 JS Argyle on 2012-05-31 18:06 (Reply)
THIS is the precise reason why we need to educate our youth, as well as our adults and elders about snakes and snake safety! There is so much misinformation out there, most of which is based on mythology and old wives' tales# While it may be common sense to alot of us reptile enthusiasts, the majority of people do not know any better than what they've been "taught#" This is coming from a West Virginia, born and bred, back-country Appalachian girl# This is NOT Hatfields and McCoys# This is NOT about WHO's right####but WHAT's right# I am so fortunate to have been surrounded by people in my life who have taken great care to learn the TRUTH before spreading it on# If you would like to meet more people like this####please check out our Facebook pages:


#2 Shawna Groscup (Homepage) on 2012-05-31 18:13 (Reply)
Well, in an update, the squeaky wheels get the grease--the video has been removed from the website and in a response I got via email from a spokesperson, the issues taken were shared with the ahem! educators (I use the word rather loosely.)But what I want to know is, where were the HSUS and PETA when the rattlesnakes needed them? Funny how you never see these people, who go to pieces over a lobster, step up to speak for the rattlesnakes...
#3 JS Argyle on 2012-06-01 17:33 (Reply)
HSUS and PETA do not like snakes because they eat cute little furry , disease-carrying creatures.
#4 Shawna Groscup (Homepage) on 2012-06-01 21:55 (Reply)

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