Reptile & Amphibian News Blog
Keep up with news and features of interest to the reptile and amphibian community on the blog. We cover breaking stories from the mainstream and scientific media, user-submitted photos and videos, and feature articles and photos by Jeff Barringer, Richard Bartlett, and other herpetologists and herpetoculturists.
Friday, June 8 2012
I may be an "old hand" when it comes to herping in the Trans-Pecos and other parts of Texas, and I can identify just about anything I've seen more than once, but I still bring my field guides out with me on every trip, and I still encounter a variety of plants and animals I've never seen before.
Texas has such a huge variety of habitats and wildlife it really is like a "whole other country." These books can help you figure out which one, or at least help expand your library. | | | | | | | | | | |
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