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Blake Shelton takes to Twitter, implies he deliberately killed threatened turtle

By Jeff Barringer
Fri, July 27 2012 at 23:28

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You can see the controversy sparked by tweet to him on my wall and see first hand how 'professional' his response was.
#1 John F Taylor (Homepage) on 2012-07-28 00:21 (Reply)
Perhaps Mr. Shelton really doesn't care about the plight of the box turtle nor the tweets from the Herp community. I bet he cares about sales.
One thing we can all do is refrain from purchasing his music. I will diffinately think twice before my next purchase.
#2 Dan Malone on 2012-07-28 16:11 (Reply)
I did read this clown's response on the link. Another spoiled, arrogant celebrity who thinks whatever he does is right--the redneck variety. Knew there was some reason his music always made me feel like ralphing...
#3 James Smith on 2012-07-28 21:18 (Reply)
I don't care if he did or didn't, the comment was an abomination. I've been attacked in many facebook groups for posting this solely because they are fans of his- not because of his actions. "You don't have proof" was the ONLY response they had and then it turned into personal attacks on myself. I don't listen to country. Never have, never will. If this had been some rocker who did this, they would be taking every opportunity to rip him apart. This guy better hopes he never sees me on the street or I will give him something to tweet about from the hospital.
#4 jaguara on 2012-07-29 09:16 (Reply)
You can't fix stupid! Obviously this type of behaviour would suggest that one has deep seated psychological issues that are either untreated or one is off their prescribed medication.
#5 Alex on 2012-07-29 15:23 (Reply)
Wow see the tweet about eating turtles in the Caimans(Sea turtles obviously). I cant believe this moron.. fortunately he hasn't stopped running his mouth, I think most people (idiot fans excluded) are now seeing the real BS.
#6 Justin Mitcham (Homepage) on 2012-07-30 09:38 (Reply)
Blake Shelton's Show the Voice is sponsered by

and Starbucks.

I've sent emails to all telling them what a scumbag they are sponsering
#7 Wes on 2012-07-30 16:58 (Reply)
Some people get STUPID as they age....DICKFACE
#8 Jamiean on 2012-07-30 17:40 (Reply)
This is, unfortunately, the mentality some C/W stars encourage--namely, if there's a regulation on anything, it's wrong, including the idea that some animals are endangered and need to be conserved: they reckon that-all's jes' a lie cooked up by the gun-hating pinko hippie liberals in the Federal Government. Of course, there are lots of others who go to bat for conservation and wildlife causes, who would no more run down a turtle than they would a cat or dog, and comport themselves like ladies and gentlemen--not to say, like grown-ups.

Notice I say "like grown-ups." The last thing I would want to do, if I, let's say, shot a wolf on protected land, is go out and announce to all the world that I had done it. Right off the bat, I'd hear from everyone who loves and respects our wilderness areas, plus a lot of very weird, goofy and possibly dangerous animal rights freaks who think it's slavery to keep a dog or ride a horse, and cannibalism if you eat a cow.

This is the behavior of an immature, stupid man acting out like a thirteen-year-old punk to get attention. Whether he actually did it or not is immaterial at this point. Had he even played the gentleman when called out and said: "You know what, I apologize--that was completely tasteless; I had just hit one by accident, realized what it was, and was trying to joke about how I was in trouble; I didn't realize how many people like turtles--" any of those things, he could probably have gotten out of this. Thanks to his smart-mouth response, I doubt a herper in the country will buy a Blake Shelton CD from now on...and we have friends and relatives who support us in that. Give him a couple weeks of dealing with the fallout from this, he'll be...shall we say, singing a different tune?
#9 James Smith on 2012-08-04 08:43 (Reply)
My own apologies, incidentally, to any herpers west of the Mississippi or South of the Mason-Dixon line for my phonetic rendering of Blake Shelton's thoughts; but if there ever was a person who perfectly exemplified an unfortunate and unfair stereotype, I believe Mr. Shelton to be that individual.
#9.1 James Smith on 2012-08-04 09:18 (Reply)

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