I'm sure anyone reading this already knows what happened, but to reiterate for the purpose of this blog:
"Does anyone know if the Eastern Box turtle is protected in Oklahoma? If so I didn’t just swerve to the shoulder of the road to smash one…"
I emailed Oklahoma's Department of Wildlife asking what was being done in regards to this incident and if they were going to make a public statement about this. I don't usually use names in my email but I feel this one needs to be said- Kelly Adams in the Information and Education department responded:
"Thank you for your concern. Blake went later on to say he was joking, his statement wasn’t true, and he wasn’t even in Oklahoma."
Anyone with 1/100th of a brain would of course say they are joking after doing something like this with all the public backlash. His tweet was a public written statement saying that he did in fact smash an endangered species on purpose and that he was in Oklahoma. The email makes the Department look very bad and it's sad they don't take things like this seriously. If he had said this about a dog or cat, it probably would have hurt more of his fans than just a little insignificant turtle. The really sick part is that his fans are supporting him and cracking equally as bad, if not worse jokes. One fan posted a picture of him holding a gun pointed at a turtle in the grass. I guess since the know-nothings at the Department of Wildlife didn't care, I'll be going higher up than them for an answer.
Sheldon also claims to be an animal activist.
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