For the past 2 weeks Milwaukee WI has been under siege with a rumored lion running wild on the streets. As yet only one video has emerged of the lion that is plausible and the media and police blotter are reporting different things. Adult female African lion, Juvenile male African Lion, adult Mountain Lion, some even report cubs being present.
You might be asking yourself, as a reptile keeper, who cares about a stupid lion! What does this have to do with me? When regulation rears it’s head reptiles are usually lumped in with big cats and primates, and Wisconsin is one of the few states that does not currently have extensive exotics legislation at the state level. That is for now.
The Humane Society of the United States working with politicians are crafting legislation soon that will likely parallel the strict regulations introduced in Ohio after the Zanesville tragedy.
According to Wisconsin State Sen. Van Wanggaard in an interview with
WISN Milwaukee:
“This bill would codify exotic animals as being something that would not be allowed to be owned in personal residential areas,” Wanggaard said.
He said that people who currently own exotic animals will be grandfathered in until the animal dies, but they would have to register the pet and get a permit.
Of course to really push the law, they need the lion and that will means more than a grainy video. The Milwaukee Police Department however is running the search and with other more pressing priorities, most Milwaukeeans doubt they have the ability to actually capture a lion, if it really exists.
Supporters of the bill, including Van Wanggaard, are hopeful they will have the law in place by the end of the year. Reptile keepers however are preparing for a long battle.
Inset photo is of Gypsy, an adult female lioness under the care of Forever Wild Animal Sanctuary in California.